It is clear from the results of the present epidemiological study and other recently published data associating mercury exposure with childhood NDs, additional ND research should be undertaken in the context of evaluating mercury-associated exposures, especially from Thimerosal-containing vaccines.
Archive | Autism
A Prospective Study of Mercury Toxicity Biomarkers in Autistic Spectrum Disorders (PDF)
Urinary porphyrin testing is clinically available, relatively inexpensive, and noninvasive. Porphyrins need to be routinely measured in ASDs to establish if mercury toxicity is a causative factor and to evaluate the effectiveness of chelation therapy.
A two-phased population epidemiological study of the safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines: a follow-up analysis (PDF)
This study showed that exposure to mercury from TCVs administered in the US was a consistent significant risk factor for the development of NDs. It is clear from these data and other recent publications linking TCVs with NDs that additional ND research should be undertaken in the context of evaluating mercury-associated exposures and thimerosal-free vaccines […]
Advice for Parents of Young Autistic Children: Spring (2004) (PDF)
This paper is geared toward parents of newly diagnosed autistic children and parents of young autistic children who are not acquainted with many of the basic issues of autism. Our discussion is based on a large body of scientific research.
Autism, An Extreme Challenge to Integrative Medicine. Part 1: The Knowledge Base (PDF)
Part 2 of this review will attempt to consolidate progress in integrative management of autism, aimed at improving independence and lifespan for people with the disorder.
Autism, An Extreme Challenge to Integrative Medicine. Part II: Medical Management (PDF)
Current pharmaceuticals fail to benefit the primary symptoms and can have marked adverse effects. Individualized, indepth clinical and laboratory assessments and integrative parent-physician-scientist cooperation are the keys to successful ASD management.
Autism is growing at epidemic rates. (1) It is reported to be prevelant in 1-150 children, some states 1-80 children. Autism is a complex neurological disorder with seemingly provable and many etiologies such as maternal viruses and bacteria (2), immediate cord clamping and birth drugs (3), metabolic insufficiency during development in utero or infancy (ie, […]
Autism: A Multi-System Oxidative and Inflammatory Disorder (PDF)
Suggestions are made for future therapeutic modalities addressing possible underlying causes of oxidative stress.
Autism: It’s Not Just In The Head (PDF)
Changes in nitric oxide levels and antioxidant enzyme activities may have a role in the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in autism (PDF)
These findings indicate a possible role of increased oxidative stress and altered enzymatic antioxidants, both of which may be relevant to the pathophysiology of autism.