
Klaire Labs

Founded in 1969 with the specific goal of providing nutritional support for individuals with severe food allergies and environmental sensitivities, Klaire Labs developed some of the very first hypoallergenic nutritional supplements. An unwavering commitment to hypoallergenicity, product purity, and rigorous quality control have been hallmarks of the Klaire brand for more than 30 years, and the reason that Klaire products are the choice of physicians worldwide.

Today, Klaire offers an extensive selection of probiotics and enzymes for support of gastrointestinal health. By working closely with clinicians and researchers in the areas of intestinal dysbiosis, immune system dysregulation, and neurodevelopmental disorders, Klaire Labs products have been carefully designed to assist gastrointestinal, neurological, detoxification, and immune system functions.

Klaire products are sold exclusively to healthcare professionals, authorized distributors, and patients with a physician-supplied Login Code. To view and purchase products below you will need a Login Code that is linked to the physician who recommended a Klaire Labs product to you. Please remember your code for all future orders.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy please send us a message using the Contact Us page.

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